Massey Primary Board of Trustees

Mission Statement:

To provide a safe and effective learning environment where all students experience success, are proud of achievements, and strive to 'be the best they can be.

Our Vision:

To motivate and empower students to be lifelong learners who are valued members of our community.

A bit about us:

The Board is newly elected this year (2023) for a 3-year term and consists of - Kirsty Mew (Presiding Member), Jessica Wilkins, Bruce Barnes (Principal), Ailish McAllister (Staff Representative), Kirsty Napier, Arthur Brown, Sumaya Ershad and David Tuitama

You are most welcome to come along to a Board of Trustees Meeting. They are open meetings and you are welcome to come along and listen. 

We appreciate all our wonderful staff who do a fantastic job of teaching our children. We all know it is not an 8.45 am to 2.55 pm job – they do a lot more than we know. So thanks Staff – you're ALL FANTASTIC!!!! 

We look forward to next year, full of changes/possibilities, new projects for our school grounds, etc, and of course most important - watching our children Learn and Grow.   

Thank you to all the parents who help out with school trips, parent help, sports teams, etc. Massey Primary really can't function without all of our School Community.    

Currently being elected, check back in 2025